Kong is the World Government Commander-in-Chief. He was the Fleet Admiral of the Marines at the time of the Battle in Edd War twenty-seven years ago and at the time of Gol D. Roger's execution twenty-four years ago. Kong is an extremely muscular, broad-chested, tan-skinned, shouldered, elderly man who has his whitened hair and beard arranged in an array of spikes, some fuzz on both sides of his face, similar to a lizard's spine. He also has a stitched scar under his left eye. He wears a sleeveless dark shirt adorned with medals, revealing his muscular arms, dark green armbands, a light yellow scarf around his neck, and a white and dark grey Marine coat draped over his shoulders. The epaulettes are similar to those worn by an Admiral and Fleet Admiral, fully covered in yellow as a standard color. As a former Marine and a high ranking World Government official, Kong has a strong sense of justice (though it is unknown if it is moral or absolute).
Commander-in-Chief Kong |
He also has a large amount of pride for his position and the Marines overall, since he left Garp and Sengoku’s records untouched to prevent the Marine name from being hurt, and felt rather disappointed that they would resign. While he was the fleet admiral of the Marines, he had absolute control of the organization, under the World Government. Now, as World Government Commander-in-Chief, he works for the World Government, and possesses not only power over the Marines, but also authority over the Government's espionage agents, the Shichibukai, Enies Lobby, and the Cipher Pols. According to the World Government hierarchy, his authority is second only to the Gorosei. His political powers enable him to revoke any Shichibukai title at any time, as well as being able to declare a Buster Call on any island he deems to be a threat.
Political powers aside, due to his muscles, his former rank in the Marines, and his numerous scars, he could be considered rather strong, however he still has yet to reveal his powers in the series. It was stated that all Marines ranked vice admiral and above possess Haki,[5] so with a rank above that, Kong can also use the ability. However, he has not been shown using it yet. Kong eventually was promoted from fleet admiral to World Government Commander-in-Chief, thus working directly for the World Government and leaving the Marines under Sengoku's authority. After the Battle of Marineford, Garp approached Kong and resigned from the Marines despite the latter's attempts to persuade him otherwise. Three weeks after the war, Sengoku did the same thing. Kong was somewhat disappointed by these resignations, as both of them had been top Marines since Roger's time, but allowed them to leave on the condition that their records and titles remain untouched in order to retain their influences and legacies in order to successfully recruit new Marines in the future and also to train the next generation of young Marines. Prior to leaving, Sengoku suggested to Kong that Admiral Aokiji should be the succeeding Fleet Admiral.
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